PhD defence

Bugs & Berries: Aphid facultative endosymbionts in nature and agriculture

PhD candidate SH (Helena) Donner
Promotor prof.dr. BJ (Bas) Zwaan
prof.dr. M (Marcel) Dicke
Co-promotor BA (Bart) Pannebakker
dr. EC (Eveline) Verhulst
Organisation Wageningen University

Mon 23 September 2024 13:30 to 15:00

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Auditorium


Aphids are a group of insects that can be major pests on our crops. Aphids can carry bacteria called endosymbionts. These endosymbionts can have a range of effects on the aphid, including protecting them against certain natural enemies. These natural enemies are often used as biocontrol agents against aphids. In this thesis, I studied how often aphid endosymbionts occur in aphid populations in nature, in sweet pepper greenhouses, and in strawberry greenhouses and farms in the Netherlands. We found that they are very common in nature and on commercial strawberry crops, but not in sweet pepper greenhouses. We also found that they can protect against one biocontrol wasp used on strawberry crops, but not against another. In conclusion, aphid endosymbionts are common in nature and could be affecting community dynamics and aphid biocontrol.