
Advanced Microeconomics - UEC-51806

Organised by Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS)

Mon 2 September 2024 until Thu 10 October 2024


During period 1:

Mondays from 15.40-18.00
Tuesdays from 14.00-17.10
Thursdays from 14.00-16.20


Registration is done via Osiris. When you have no access to Osiris, please contact to apply for or renew your student enrolment number.


The course consists out of three parts:

  1. 1. microeconomics (focus on producer theory and general equilibrium);
  2. 2. game Theory (focus on games in strategic form and games in extensive form).
  3. 3. information Economics (focus on expected utility theory and asymmetric information). Lectures cover selected parts from the text book (see below).

In each part of the course there will be special attention to a practical application:

  • biofuels;
  • location;
  • insurance markets.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:

  • acquire additional theoretical knowledge at an advanced level;
  • judge the formal correctness of various economic models;
  • design micro-economic models for various real-world problems;
  • assess the assumptions made in economic literature that applies microeconomics, game theory and information economics.


Lectures, tutorials, assignments.

Assumed Knowledge

DEC23306 Intermediate Microeconomics


  • Group or individual assignments (30%);
  • Individual written exam with open questions (70%).


Advanced Microeconomic Theory, G. Jehle and P. Reny, Addison Wesley, 2011.