Training course
Expand your Mental Flexibility
Are you happy? Can you fully enjoy the good moments in life? Or do you feel overwhelmed by high expectations and an endless list of “shoulds” and “have to’s”? Do you feel insecure or gloomy and do you feel your life will only really begin once you’ve dealt with these issues? Or once you hand in your thesis, start dating (again) or find a better place to live?
Maybe trying to get rid of this ‘psychological pain’ even becomes the prime focus of your life; a struggle that takes up a lot of energy.
Take a look at this training course and learn how to expand your mental flexibility.
Into each life some rain must fall
Let’s be honest, life is not a fairy tale; sometimes it just sucks, right? The good new is: once we accept this reality, many of our daily struggles will come to a halt. This will create the space and energy to focus on the really important things in your life, leading to a greater sense of fulfilment and satisfaction.
The aim of the training is not to take away your 'psychological pain'. However, you will develop effective strategies to help you cope by increasing your psychological flexibility.
About the training
The training and the book 'A beginners guide to Mindfulness' are based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and mindfulness. The book includes mindfulness-exercises.
The vision of ACT is that acceptance opens the way to living with attention to, and from, your own values. Learning to notice, and be aware of, your experiences without judgement, is called mindfulness. This is a key requirement in the process. In ACT we use metaphors and exercises to learn ACT-techniques through experience.
You will learn how to have a kind and accepting attitude towards your feelings, thoughts and experiences, while at the same time taking meaningful action to live a satisfying life.
For whom is this training?
WUR-students who feel that their life is not satisfactory.
They experience complaints such as:
- Overthinking, worrying, to ruminate
- They are not, or insufficiently, in touch with feelings/emotions
- Not knowing where their life is headed or what is important to them
- Trying to avoid certain parts of their life.
Practical Information
Language | English |
Participants | Max. 9 |
Duration | 5 sessions of 3 hours |
Study material | Book: A beginners guide to mindfulness, by Ernst Bohlmeyer and Monique Hulsbergen. For sale online or at the studentpsychologist (Please, buy before the course starts). |
NOTE | This training course will only start on the scheduled dates with a sufficient number of participants |