Post Academic & In-house Company Courses
Biometris offers courses on statistics and mathematics, both in Dutch and English. These courses are also given in-house for companies and can be modified accordingly.
Courses that take place on regular basis:
- Basic Statistics
- Linear Models
- Generalized Linear Models
- Mixed Linear Models
- Statistics for the Life Sciences
- Bayesian Statistics
- Survival Analysis - Analysis of Individually Registered Time-to-Event Data
- Systems Biology: Statistical Analysis of ~Omics Data
- Quantitative and Predictive Modelling
- Matlab
- Orientation on mathematical modelling in biology
- Statistical Uncertainty Analysis of Dynamic Models
- Multivariate analysis for food data/scientists
- Applied Statistics (in Dutch)
Course repository:
- Applied Statistics (organized on request)
- Genotype by Environment Interaction
- Mixed Model based QTL mapping in GenStat
- "Identity by Descent" (IBD) - approaches to genomic analyses of genetic traits