Z (Zhen) Liu PhD

Z (Zhen) Liu PhD

Program Manager

I got doctor degree from Management Studies Group of Wageningen University & Research on August 2013 and now work as business developer of Food and Biobased Research and program manager of Wageningen Academy at Wageningen UR, with a drive for research, innovation, and entrepreneurship and aiming at becoming the bridge between China and EU in the field of food and agricultural business.

I connect: knowledge, people and information in diverse fields of technology, science and decision making. This combining provides broad and very detail insights for a sustainable and competitive agir-food business.

In the last years, I developed and lead a lot of interesting programs such as:

  • Summer School Space Farming: Food for Mars and Moon https://www.wur.nl/nl/show/summer-school-voedsel-voor-mars-en-maan.htm
  • Summer School Dairy Nutrition and Health https://www.wur.nl/en/show/online-summer-school-dairy-nutrition-and-health.htm

  • Summer School From Farm to Fork: New Technologies and Trends https://www.wur.nl/en/show/online-summer-school-from-farm-to-fork-new-technologies-and-trends.htm

  • Summer School Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food https://www.wur.nl/en/show/online-summer-school-biotechnology-agriculture-and-food-1.htm

  • Towards Net-Zero Dairy Supply Chains https://www.wur.nl/en/show/towards-net-zero-dairy-supply-chains-1.htm