SRL (Sake) Kruk MSc

SRL (Sake) Kruk MSc


Sake Kruk is a researcher at the Environmental Policy Group, studying digitalization in the sustainability governance of global food systems. Sake investigates how digital technologies such as smarphones, sensors and satellites shape the way in which food systems are organized and governed towards sustainability, with a focus on aquaculture.

Sake holds a bachelor's degree in International Studies from Leiden University and a master's degree in International Development Studies from Wageningen University. His master thesis analysed the position of small-scale producers in aquaculture certification, with field research in Thailand. After his studies, Sake worked at Oxfam Novib on various projects related to responsible business conduct with a focus on seafood, certifications, and alternative forms of assurance. 

Sake's research is aimed at finding solutions for the effective governance of global food systems. As a junior researcher, he contributed to the development and piloting of the Aquaculture Governance Indicators. His PhD focusses on understanding the emerging importance of digital technologies for the governance of sustainable food systems.