dr.ir. RM (Renate) Winkels PhD
Associate Professor Nutrition and DiseaseFollow me:
Dr Renate Winkels obtained her PhD in Nutrition from Wageningen University in 2008. From 2009 - 2016, she worked as Postdoctoral fellow within the group Nutrition and Cancer, at Wageningen University. With Prof Ellen Kampman as her mentor, Dr Winkels started the COLON study, an observational, multicenter study on nutritional and lifestyle factors that may influence colorectal tumour recurrence, survival and quality of life. From 2016 - 2019, she worked as Assistant Professor Nutrition and Cancer at the Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey Pennsylvania, USA.
In 2019, she returned to Wageningen, where she now is Associate Professor Nutrition & Disease at the Division of Human Nutrition and Health at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Her research focusses on how nutrition and physical activity work together to impact disease outcomes. Within her work, she has a strong focus on lifestyle intervention studies. For a complete overview of current and completed projects of Dr Winkels, see this link. She published over 80 peer-reviewed papers, and is currently mentor of 4 PhD students.