dr. M (Matthias) Kramm
OnderzoekerIn my academic work, I am interested in ways how philosophical methods can be employed for answering normative questions in the areas of development, knowledge integration, economy, and ecology. While I began my studies with a particular interest in philosophy of language and meta-ethics, I later focused primarily on political philosophy and American pragmatism.
In September 2020, I defended my doctoral thesis entitled Balancing Tradition and Development at Utrecht University, which I wrote under the supervision of Ingrid Robeyns. For my PhD project, I researched the role of cultural traditions within economic development processes with a particular focus on Indigenous peoples.
From 2020 to 2022, I have been a postdoctoral researcher in David Ludwig's GEOS team at Wageningen University which forms part of the Knowledge, Technology & Innovation Group. In this project, I have been examining the deep ontological differences between different Indigenous ontologies and the limits of ontological pluralism. In September 2022, I started a two-year research project on Rights of Nature and Latin American philosophies that is hosted by UNAM, Mexico. The project is financed by a research grant of the Dutch government (Rubicon).
For more information, see my website matthiaskramm.com