KKE (Katrien) Descheemaeker
Professor/ChairKatrien Descheemaeker is Professor Plant Production Systems in the Plant Science Group of Wageningen University (Netherlands). Katrien's research focuses on farming systems analysis, soil-plant-animal interactions, sustainable development and resource use efficiency, with a special interest in the functioning and dynamics of mixed crop-livestock systems. Current activities combine experimental trial work with simulation modelling to identify and assess options for sustainable intensification and climate-smart agriculture. Across various projects on smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa, Dr. Descheemaeker designs participatory and co-learning approaches that aim to co-design tailored agricultural technologies and practices to improve farm productivity, food security, resilience to shocks, and natural resource integrity.
Current projects include the following:
- Pathways to Agro-ecological Intensification in southern Mali. Three phases of participatory agricultural research with smallholder farmers. 2012 – 2023. Funded by The McKnight Foundation.
- STEP-UP: Sustainable Transition to Entrepreneurial Production in Agriculture through Upgrading. Combining farming systems analysis with value chain analysis to move towards sustainable intensification. September 2018 – August 2021. Funded by NWO-WOTRO under the LEAP-Agri programme.
- FAIR-Sahel: Fostering an Agroecological Intensification to improve farmers’ Resilience in Sahel. 2020-2024. Funded by the European Commission under the DESIRA programme.
- AfricaRISING: Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation. Two phases of interdisciplinary systems research across West and East Africa. 2012 – 2021. Funded by USAID.
- 3F: Feeding the soil and feeding the cow to feed the people.