dr.ir. JFM (John) Helming

dr.ir. JFM (John) Helming

Senior Researcher Agricultural economie and environment

Dr. John Helming is a senior researcher working at Wageningen Social Economic Research (WSER). He has more than 30 years of experience in applied economic, technical and environmental modelling at farm, agricultural sector and economy wide levels for policy analysis. Currently he is the coordinator of the group further developing and applying micro-economic models, including bio-economic farm models at WSER. He was the project-leader of the EU H2020 project MIND STEP (2018-2023) focusing on behaviour of individual decision makers in farm economic modelling. Currently he is coordinator of the EU Horizon Europe project: AnalysinG of fossil-ENergy dependence in agriculture to increase RESilience against input price fluctuations (AGENRES, 2024-2027). The AGENRES project focusses on price risk management instruments against fluctuating prices of fossil fuels and mineral fertilizers and mitigation potentials and costs of investments in energy saving technologies at farm and sector level.