BD (Diep) Phan MSc

BD (Diep) Phan MSc

Researcher/ Trainer Tropical Crops

My work is to contribute to improvement of small - scale farmers in developing countries in the field of tropical cultivation and field crops. Together with my colleagues, we aim for sustainable and competitive arable and vegetable farming.

I set up extensive and practical training and facilitate knowledge transfer to various levels of learners: from farmer groups to extension officers or trainers. The work is done in different regions including Africa and South East Asia.

The training program covers topics related to vegetable production in open field including: 1) Transplant raising and management, 2) Fertilization, 3) Crop protection and spraying techniques and 4) Farm economic and planning. The training can be tailored-made depending on time frame and interest.

I try to combine different methods during my trainings to make sure the topics are given lively and attractively. Participants in my trainings will be able to get themelves ready for each training by attending e-learning platform. After that in each face-to-face training, besides theory given in class, I organize field visit and group discussion where participants can bring up their concerned topics to discuss and to learn together in class.

With trainings that are aimed for trainers or extension officers, I work closely with local organizations in the countries to support them organize field days by the end of each training program. The idea is that, by then the trainers who are packed with knowledge and skills, will be able to spread their knowedge on the ground to benefit famrers. It is seen as the 'final prove" of the knowledge is transferred.

With in total of almost 10 years of experience in working with vegetable farmers in Africa and South East Asia, I am trying to improve myself everyday to get closer to farmer's sides, to support them in building up their capacity in profitable and sustainable vegetable farming.