prof.dr. JAGM (Arjan) de Visser
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For more info see website Microbial Experimental Evolution group
2015-present Professor (personal chair), Lab of Genetics, Wageningen University
2008-2015 Associate professor, Lab of Genetics, Wageningen University
2001-2008 Asistant professor (with NWO Vidi), Lab of Genetics, Wageningen University
1998-2001 Postdoc (with NWO Veni), Lab of Microbiology, Wageningen University (advisor WM de Vos)
1996-1998 Postdoc, Center of Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University (advisor RE Lenski)
1996 PhD Genetics, Wageningen University and University of Amsterdam (advisors RF Hoekstra and H van den Ende)
1989 MSc Biology, Utrecht University
1985 BSc Biology, Nijmegen University