Pre-master's programme

Pre-master's programme

Students who cannot be directly admitted to a Wageningen University master's study programme because of deficiencies in their previous completed bachelor education, may eliminate these deficiencies by following a pre-master's programme. A Wageningen University pre-master's programme consists of a maximum of 30 credits and is determined individually. It has to be obtained within one academic year.


It is not possible to apply for a Pre-Master programme. Instead students should apply for the Master's programme of their choice. When you are not directly admissible to the Master's programme, the admission committee can determine that you must first take a number of courses in a Pre-Master programme to eliminate deficiencies in your previous education.

In that case your request for admission to the Master’s programme will be rejected and instead the admission committee will propose a Pre-Master programme.

The courses that you will have to take are determined by the academic admissions committee together with your study advisor. Information on courses can be found in the study handbook.

A link to the Pre-Master application portal will be sent to you, in order to accept or decline the offer.

Enrolment Pre-Master programme, including link to deadlines

In order to enrol in the pre master programme, you should now:

1. Accept your offer via the application portal

2. Pay the fees, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay these fees.

3. For the remaining steps please check this website: Steps Towards Enrolment (you only need to take step 2 until 5).

Enrolment Deadline

Pre-master students are allowed to start their Pre-Master programme as per September 1 or February 1. It depends on your previous education and nationality which deadlines applies.  

So please check your steps towards enrolment carefully and on time!

Please note:

- During the enrolment as a pre-master student, students are only allowed to follow the courses determined in their Pre-Master programme.

- Upon successful completion of the Pre-Master programme, students will be directly admitted to the Master's programme.

- A Wageningen University & Research Pre-Master programme should be obtained within one academic year. It is not allowed to re-enrol as a Pre-Master student in the next academic year.

Fees Pre-Master programme

- The fees must be paid before you can be enrolled as a Pre-Master student.

- It is not possible to pay the fees in instalments.

- There will be no restitution of the fees paid, should you decide to terminate your enrolment as a Pre-Master student before you have obtained the credits you have paid for.

The fees for the academic year 2023-2024:

- Academic year 2023-2024: As a NL/EEA/SME1 student you will pay €38.57 per European Credit (EC). As a non-NL/EEA/SME1 student you will pay €326.67 per European Credit (EC).

The fees for the academic year 2024-2025:

- Academic year 2024-2025: As a NL/EEA/SME1 student you will pay €42,17 per European Credit (EC). As a non-NL/EEA/SME1 student you will pay €343 per European Credit (EC).

Enrolment as a Master student after completion of the Pre-Master programme

Upon successful completion of your Pre-Master programme you may enrol as a Master's student. Osiris will send you a message with information about your enrolment in the Master’s programme. In the event of continuing during the academic year, you will then have to pay tuition fee as a master student for the remaining months of the academic year.