Study programme - MSc Agroecology
The double degree Agroecology is a two year programme including a practical thesis project. This master's is in compliance with the European Credit Transfer System and consists of a common core of modules. Also, each student can follow a custom-made curriculum according to his or her field of interest and career plans.
Year 1
In the first year of the Agroecology specialisation you study in Wageningen. Below you will find the programme outline of the first and second semester. More information about the courses can be found in the Study Handbook.
Semester 1 (30 ECTS): Wageningen
- W1: Exploring the Future of Food and Farming (6 ECTS).
- W2: Transformation of Food Systems
- W3: Modular Skills Training (3 ECTS).
- W4: Choose one out of two (6 ECTS): Advanced Statistics or Quantitative Research Methodology and Statistics.
- W5: Choose one out of five (6 ECTS): Analysis and Design of Organic Farming Systems, Agroecology, Modelling Functional Diversity, Quantitative Analysis of Land Use Systems or Functional Agricultural Resource Management.
Semester 2 (30 ECTS): Wageningen
- W6: Elective courses (9 ECTS) to complete 60 ECTS of semester 1 and 2.
- W7: Choose one internship or one minor thesis (24 ECTS): Farming Systems Ecology, Crop and Weed Ecology, Plant Production Systems or Soil Biology.
Year 2
The second year you will transfer to Institut Supérieur d'agriculture et d'agroalimentaire Rhône-Alpes (ISARA-Lyon) in Lyon, France for semester 3. Semester 4 you will work on your master thesis in either Lyon or Wageningen.
Semester 3 (30 ECTS): Lyon
- F1: Agriculture and landscape management (4 ECTS).
- F2: Agroecological cropping practices (7 ECTS).
- F3: World agroecosystems and agricultural use (5 ECTS).
- F4: Management of agroecosystems: implications from policies and nature conservation (6 ECTS).
- F5: Group project management (8 ECTS).
Semester 4 (30 ECTS): Wageningen or Lyon
- Master thesis, co-supervised.