Specialisation Physical Biology

During the specialisation of Physical Biology within the master Molecular Life Sciences you will focus on the underlying understanding of molecular interactions. Using knowledge gained from physics, chemistry and bioinformatics the understanding of molecular complexes will come to the light. By applying (bio)physical techniques as (micro)spectroscopy and magnetic resonance, you will gain the know-how to apply your newly gained knowledge in carrying out experimental research on biophysics and physical biology. Moreover, you will be able to develop analytical tools for biophysical research on subjects as food and pharmaceutics.

Research example Advanced Microscopy

A bacterial cell is incredibly complex as it hosts a rich variety of proteins and other molecules. The Laboratory of Biophysics develops optical techniques and assays to study the dynamics and characteristics of individual proteins in live cells. For example, fluorescence-based optical super-resolution microscopy is used to follow Cas9, an essential protein involved in CRISPR-Cas-mediated adaptive immunity, in real time as it moves through micrometre-sized bacteria. Quantitative analysis of the experimental data enables determining how long it takes for Cas9 to find a single target DNA sequence and for how long Cas9 is bound to a particular DNA segment. Recent work led to a better understanding of the dynamics of DNA target search and mode of action of CRISPR-Cas. By studying the behaviour of individual proteins in bacteria, the researchers expand molecular life sciences to the realm of living organisms with all their inherent beautiful ingenuity.

Illustration by David S. Goodsell showing a cross-section trough an Escherichia Coli cell. DNA (yellow), DNA interacting proteins (orange), ribosomes (purple), proteins (blue) and two-membrane cell wall (green) provide a static view on the inherent complexity of “simple” organisms
Illustration by David S. Goodsell showing a cross-section trough an Escherichia Coli cell. DNA (yellow), DNA interacting proteins (orange), ribosomes (purple), proteins (blue) and two-membrane cell wall (green) provide a static view on the inherent complexity of “simple” organisms

Research example Metabolic Modeling

The Laboratory of Systems and Synthetic Biology aims to understand complex biological systems from sub-cellular to population level, and to redesign them for novel functions. This is done by combining statistical methods, mathematical models and data analysis with genetic engineering. For example, by modelling the metabolic pathways of a micro-organism, an engineering strategy can be developed that allows the microbe to produce compounds of interest without impacting the natural behaviour. Recent work has focussed on engineering Pseudomonas putida to produce curcumin, a yellow pigment found in turmeric that has anti-inflammatory properties. The design-build-test-learn cycle, as shown in the figure, displays how wet and dry labs are tightly intertwined, and that modelling can contribute significantly to designing efficient experimental methods.

An illustration of the Design-build-test-learn cycle from Jessop-Fabre & Sonnenschein (2019, doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00018)
An illustration of the Design-build-test-learn cycle from Jessop-Fabre & Sonnenschein (2019, doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00018)


For this specialisation, you need to choose at least two deepening courses, however you can always choose more if you want to. All details can be found in the study handbook, but some characteristic courses of this specialisation are shortly explained below:

Biophysical Imaging

In this research method course offered by the chair group of Biophysics (BIP), the focus is on the use of advanced imaging techniques to solve biological problems. The principles of techniques such as confocal laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), NMR imaging (MRI), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) will be presented. In addition, principles of image processing, and analysis, manipulation and interpretation of two- and three dimensional datasets will be discussed to enhance the understanding of the performed experiments.

Bioinformation Technology

The availability of large amounts of high throughput omics data gives us new insights and a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of life. This course questions whether we can transform this data into useful information and what we can learn from this information about a biological process. This course will introduce the basic concepts and tools essential for this transformation process. Background information on frequently used computational tools for DNA, RNA, and protein sequence analysis is mixed with practical, hands-on elements to demonstrate important basic bioinformatics concepts.

Advanced Soft Matter

Soft matter is the study of materials that are neither solid, nor liquid. They are somewhere in between. This course shows how the balance between thermal fluctuations and the interactions between molecules can lead to complex structures and mechanical properties at a larger scale. Topics include: thermal motion and diffusion, linear and non-linear mechanics, adhesion and friction, liquid interfaces, wetting, gels and virus assembly. Special attention is paid to developments in the laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Soft matter (PCC), and to the relevance for practical areas such as food science and nanotechnology.

Thesis Research Groups

The MSc thesis forms the core of your specialisation, reflected in the value of 36 ECTS. Your thesis will be part of the research of one of the chair groups of Wageningen University. The research groups that offer thesis projects within this specialisation are listed below, and you can get more details on their respective websites.

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