Biogeochemical Cycles
Within the specialisation Biogeochemical Cycles you can choose among several courses and different thesis tracks.
More about the specialisation
Did you know that human-induced climate change also has an impact on the biogeochemical cycles of the elements carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus? And at the same time that biogeochemical processes are key for mitigating climate change?
In the specialisation Biogeochemical Cycles, students will learn about the main features of the global cycles of the most common elements in a changing environment influenced by human activities. The study track focuses on the chemical and (micro)biological controls of major elemental cycles as well as the interactions and feedbacks between these cycles. Students analyse contemporary elemental cycles both within and between the major interconnected earth system compartments, with a focus on the atmosphere, vegetation and soils. They assess the past, present and future impact of climate change on these cycles.
The specialisation Biogeochemical Cycles will challenge students to answers questions like:
- How does nutrient availability control the response of ecosystems to climate change?
- How does the impact of various carbon-based mitigation strategies vary across different geographical regions?
To find answers, students may employ several state-of-the-art methods used in biogeochemical research. These methods include large-scale field experiments and measurements, but also controlled laboratory and greenhouse experiments, ecosystem and earth system modelling, and theoretical approaches.
Students can learn more about the education and research related to this specialisation by visiting the website of the Soil Chemistry group, the Meteorology and Air Quality Group and the Water Systems and Global Change Group.
The following subjects are part of the MSc programme Climate Studies when selecting the specialisation Biogeochemical Cycles. Next to these thesis specific courses, you will follow courses from the common part and electives as summarised in the programme outline. For more information visit the study handbook or contact the study adviser.
Specialisation-related subjects
Subject | Code |
One e-learning is compulsory in order to work safely at Wageningen University (0 ECTS): | |
Laboratory safety | ZSS06100 |
Biogeochemical Cycles and Climate Change Mitigation | SOC36306 |
Restricted Optional: select (at least) two*
Subject | Code |
Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality | MAQ34806 |
Meteorology and Climate | MAQ21806 |
Climate Smart Agriculture | WSG35806 |
Earth System Modelling | MAQ35806 |
Soil Quality | SBL21806 |
The Carbon Dilemma | SBL35306 |
Field Training Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Interactions | SOC40806 |
Restricted Optional: Select one
Subject | Code |
MSc thesis Air Quality and Atmospheric Chemistry | MAQ81336 |
MSc Thesis Soil Chemistry | SOC81336 |
MSc Thesis Water Systems and Global Change | WSG80436 |
*To be selected in consultation with your study adviser and in preparation for your thesis subject.
In order to prepare well for your thesis track, you can additionally choose supporting courses. These courses focus, for example on quantitative and data sciences. You can find the exact list in the study handbook at the section "Restricted Optionals (2) in Common part".
This course overview is based on the Wageningen University study handbook, where you can find a more detailed course and programme description. The study handbook is guiding in case of any discrepancy.
Below you can see an example how your schedule can look like when following this specialisation: