Molecule, Cell and Organ Functioning
This specialisation focuses on the mechanisms of health and disease at the level of the organism, the animal level. The relation between morphology, function and regulation of function is central in this specialisation.
The specialisation in a nutshell
Molecule, Cell and Organ Functioning is a fundamental specialisation looking into mechanisms and processes at all levels of physiology: from molecules to organs to whole animals. In this specialisation the functioning of animals is studied to acquire animal or computer models for health, disease resistance, growth and aging.
This specialisation has five thesis tracks:
- Animal Breeding and Genetics (ABG)
- Cell Biology and Immunology (CBI)
- Experimental Zoology (EZO)
- Human and Animal Physiology (HAP)
- Host-Microbe Interactomics (HMI)
Thesis and internships
A thesis or internship project for the specialisation Molecule, Cell and Organ Functioning is conducted at the ABG, CBI, EZO, HAP or HMI chair group and results in a scientific report and a presentation. A thesis project usually links up with ongoing research at one of these research groups or is conducted in cooperation with commercial or (non-)governmental organisations. At the websites of the different chair groups, you can find more information about research topics.