Study Abroad

Are you interested in going abroad? Check all your possibilities and find out whether you qualify for an Erasmus+ grant.

Travel permission and preparation

Students who are planning to travel abroad in the context of their studies (exchange, traineeship, thesis) need travel permission from WUR. More information:

What are the options to go abroad?

Study Exchange

Wageningen University offers students various options to study abroad for a semester or a whole year through an exchange programme. Study exchange is when you want to follow courses or do your thesis at a university abroad during your bachelor's or master's programme.

After you have been nominated for study exchange you may apply for an Erasmus+ grant. Go to:

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    Click on the visual to view the Infographic's content


    Please check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

    Contact: Study Abroad office.

    Internships & Thesis

    Wageningen University offers grants to WU students who are going to to do an internship or thesis abroad during or after their studies, or during their PhD.

    • Erasmus+ grant for internship and thesis to EU destinations including North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey.
    • Erasmus+ grant for internship and thesis to other destinations: Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.
    • NL Scholarship for internship and thesis in other countries.

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