
'Bijvakstudent' (national guest student)

On this page you will find all the information for applying and enrolment as a ‘bijvakstudent' at Wageningen University & Research & Research.

Application 'bijvakstudent'


Student who is enrolled at an Institution for Higher Education in the Netherlands for a ‘CROHO’ registered programme and who wants to take additional subjects at Wageningen University & Research & Research as part of his/her study programme.

Requirements for Enrolment

·  Be enrolled in 2024/2025 as a student at an Institute for Higher Education in the Netherlands for a ‘CROHO’ registered programme;

· Submit a ‘Proof of Payment of Tuition Fees 2024/2025’;

· the bijvakstudent is not allowed to participate in an internship.;

· A written permission from the Examining Boards of the home institute and of the WUR is required to participate in a thesis, research practice and AMC/ACT courses.

· Please note: subjects/courses with a set maximum number of participants

Some courses have a set maximum number of participants (see the Study Handbook). Bijvakstudents can register for these courses but it is highly probable that they cannot be admitted, because regular bachelor’s and master’s students of Wageningen University & Research are given priority for placement for these courses. If bijvakstudents want to apply for a course with a maximum number of participants, also if it is part of a minor, they must submit an alternative course when the course of their first choice is not possible. If you would like to do a minor that includes a course with a maximum number of participants and if you have a problem finding an alternative course, please contact the minor coordinator (see:

Make sure that if you want to follow a course with a set maximum number of participants, you register yourself as a bijvakstudent one week before the deadline via registration for the course;


You need the following documents for registration:

1. Copy valid passport or ID card (showing your personal details)

2. Original Proof of Payment of Tuition Fees¹ (Bewijs Betaald Collegegeld - BBC) 2024/2025.

- Ask your own institution to send a BBC to


- send the original BBC (stamped and signed) by regular mail (not email) to: Wageningen University & Research, Student Service Centre (SSC), FORUM, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen


-hand in the original BBC (stamped and signed) at the Student Desk.

Proof of Payment of Tuition Fees (Bewijs Betaald Collegegeld - BBC) = original statement issued by the Dutch Institution for Higher Education of the student's 1st enrolment, in which the Institute declares that the student is enrolled for a ‘CROHO’ registered programme and states the amount of tuition fee paid by the student for the 1st enrolment. The statement is issued for the purpose of registration at Wageningen University & Research.

3. Only for thesis, doing research practice and/or AMC/ACT education elements:

Applicants need written permission from the Examining Boards of the 1st institute and of the WUR to participate in a thesis, research practice and AMC/ACT courses. Mail your permission to, stating your name, date of birth and with subject ‘permission for courses'.

For the permission of your own Examination Board you can use the form that you will find on this page Forms Student Service Center - WUR

For permission from the WUR Examination Board, an email stating the permission is sufficient.

Deadlines for enrolment as a bijvakstudent

Please note: Enrolment as a Bijvakstudent for the academic year 2024-2025 will be possible as of May 15, 2024.


Given in Period 1, 2 & 3 - Deadline for enrolment: July 28, 2024


Given in Period 4, 5 & 6 - Deadline for enrolment: January 5, 2025

Subjects/Deadline for Enrolment:

Period 1 - July 28, 2024

Period 2 - September 22, 2024

Period 3 - November 17, 2024

Period 4 - January 5, 2025

Period 5 - February 2, 2025

Period 6 - March 30, 2025

Please note: all requested documents must be submitted before the deadline.

If you happen to submit a document that does not meet the conditions, you must have submitted a correct copy before the deadline.

Sign up now

Please note: Enrolment as a Bijvakstudent for the academic year 2024-2025 will be possible as of May 15, 2024.

Do you have all the documents ready? Register now via this link choose 'new applicant' and submit your application. Don't forget to have a BBC sent separately.

If something is wrong with your documents, you will receive an email. You can also see the status of your registration in the application portal.

When enrolled as a Bijvakstudent at Wageningen University & Research, you will be sent an email* with your WUR account username and password. You will then have access to 

There you can download your proof of enrolment and register for courses via the course catalogue. You are not automatically registered for the courses.

*If you register as a Bijvakstudent for the academic year 2024-2025
before July 1, 2024 you will receive the above mentioned e-mail as of
July 1. If you register as a Bijvakstudent during the academic year you
will receive the above mentioned e-mail two months prior to the start of
your studies.

After enrolment you have to register for courses

After being enrolled as a bijvakstudent, you are not automatically enrolled for the courses. You have to do this yourself, after being enrolled as a student and before the enrolment deadline of the course!

After enrolment as a student, you will receive an e-mail with the login details for a WUR account within 72 hours*. This gives you access to You can then register for the courses via the course catalogue. Here’san instruction on how to do that: How to enrol in a course? | Osiris - Student information, course enrollment, study progress | Student Support (

*If you register as a Bijvakstudent for the academic year 2024-2025 before July 1, 2024 you will receive the above mentioned e-mail as of July 1. If you register as a Bijvakstudent during the academic year you will receive the above mentioned e-mail two months prior to the start of your studies.


Please note; there are enrolment deadline for registering for courses:


Period/Enrolment deadline*:

6 - April 7, 2024


Period/Enrolment deadline*:

1 - August 4, 2024

2 - September 29, 2024

3 - November 24, 2024

4 - January 12, 2025

5 - February 9, 2025

6 - April 6, 2025

* for courses with a maximum, the deadline is one week earlier!

Safety courses

For a large number of courses it is compulsory to follow a so-called safety course prior to the course. This is a e-course and takes approx. 1,5 hours. You will not receive any credits for this and there are no costs involved. However, you do have to sign up for this.

So check carefully with the courses for which you have registered whether this falls under the mandatory knowledge. You can see it in the OSIRIS Student Mobile ( under mandatory knowledge. These are the only courses that you are allowed to take without the permission of your Examination Board.

Courses with a maximum:

An earlier registration date applies for a course with a maximum number of participants. Bijvakstudents usually cannot be admitted to a subject with a maximum. Check the information at ‘Requirements for Enrolment’.

More information:

For more information, see Enrol for courses and tests in Osiris - WUR.

Do you have more or other questions, please contact Edith Rasch, study adviser WUR.