Programme Committees

‘The primary task of a PC is to advise on enhancing and assuring the quality of its accompanying bachelor and/or master programme(s) at Wageningen University. The PC reports to the Board of Education (BoE), the single board for all degree programmes at the university, established by the Executive Board.

Each PC consists of 6, 8 or 10 members, half staff members and half students. The term for student members is one year and the term for staff members is two years. Members can be reappointed twice. Most PCs have an executive committee consisting of one student member, one staff and the programme director. The regulations may be different for the joint degrees.

Overview of duties and authorities

A Programme Committee has among others the following duties and authorities, within the setting of corporate WUR strategies, policies and regulations:

  • annually evaluating the quality of the education provided in the programme and encouraging quality enhancement;
  • defining a coherent curriculum of a programme which meets the learning outcomes and evaluating learning outcomes of individual courses;
  • signalling if the entire set of courses has sufficient scientific content, meets the needs of the professional field and offers a sufficient variety of learning methods;
  • annually approving certain paragraphs of the Education and Examination Regulations (EER) and advise on other paragraphs;
  • guarantee a proper execution of the EER;
  • representing the programme during the visitation process by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO).

The PC also advises on topics that relate directly to the quality of education in the degree programmes, such as academic skills and setting a numerus fixus for programmes.


Each year, the Programme Committee reports to the Board of Education the quality of education in the accompanying degree programmes by means of a report on ‘Plans for enhancement’.

Overview of all 25 Programme Committees of Wageningen University

BSc Agrotechnologie, MSc Biosystems Engineering (BAT/MBE)

Chair Gijs Ploumen
Secretary Randy Möwes
Programme director Wilko van Loon
Contact by Elizabeth Kibalama

BSc Animal Sciences, MSc Animal Sciences (BAS/MAS)

Chair Henk Bovenhuis
Secretary Francine Wartena
Programme director René Kwakkel
Contact by Francine Wartena

BSc Marine Sciences, MSc Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management (BMS/MAM)

Chair Johan Schrama
Secretary Karen Fortuin
Programme director Karen Fortuin
Contact by Karen Fortuin

BSc Bedrijfs- en Consumentenwetenschappen, BSc Economie en Beleid, MSc Management, Economics and Consumer Studies (BBC/BEB/MME)

Chair Frits Claassen
Secretary Paul Berentsen
Programme director Paul Berentsen
Contact by Mia Holleman

Own webpage on Sharepoint.

MSc Biobased Sciences (MBS)

Chair Harry Bitter
Secretary Myriam Klaassen
Programme director Sonja Isken
Contact by mbt.msc@wur

BSc Biologie, MSc Biology (BBI/MBI)

Chair Katja Teerds
Secretary Marjolijn Coppens
Programme director Marjolijn Coppens
Contact by Marjolijn Coppens

BSc Biotechnologie, MSc Biotechnology, MSc Bioinformatics (BBT/MBT/MBF)

Chair Robert Smith
Secretary Sonja Isken
Programme director Sonja Isken
Contact by mbt.msc@wur

BSc Bos- en Natuurbeheer, MSc Forest and Nature Conservation (BBN/MFN)

Chair Koen Arts
Secretary Matthijs Kool
Programme director Gijs Elkhuizen
Contact by Matthijs Kool

MSc Climate Studies (MCL)

Chair Mathilde Hagens
Secretary Marjo Lexmond
Programme director Marjo Lexmond
Contact by Marjo Lexmond or

BSc Communcation and Life Sciences, BSc Gezondheid en Maatschappij, MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences (BCL/BGM/MCH)

Chair Bob Mulder
Secretary Gerry van Nieuwenhoven
Programme director Gerry van Nieuwenhoven
Contact by Gerry van Nieuwenhoven

MSc Development and Rural Innovation (MDR)

BSc Environmental Sciences, MSc Environmental Sciences, MSc Urban Environmental Management (BES/MES/MUE)

MSc Data Science for Food and Health (MDS)

Chair Martijn van Veldhuizen
Secretary Rolf Marteijn
Programme director Rolf Marteijn
Contact by Rolf Marteijn

MSc Food Quality Management, MSc Food Safety (MFQ/MFS)

BSc Food Technology, MSc Food Technology (BFT/MFT)

Chair Julia Diederen
Secretary Jenneke Heising
Programme director Jenneke Heising and Arjen Zegwaard
Contact by Marjorie Westhout

MSc Geo-Information Science (MGI)

Chair Johannis Reiche
Secretary Elise van Tilborg
Programme director Gijs Elkhuizen
Contact by Elise van Tilborg

BSc Internationale Ontwikkelingsstudies, MSc International Development Studies (BIN/MID)

BSc International land and water management, MSc International Land and water management (BIL/MIL)

Chair Gert-Jan Veldwisch
Secretary Rafaelle Vignola
Programme director Bert Bruins
Contact by Anja Janssen

BSc Moleculaire Levenswetenschappen, MSc Molecular Life Science (BML/MML)

Chair Sophie Hennink
Secretary Wilko van Loon
Programme director Wilko van Loon
Contact by Monique Smaak

BSc Voeding en Gezondheid, MSc Nutrition and Health (BVG/MNH)

Chair Lisa Molenaar
Secretary Amanda Jager
Programme director Rolf Marteijn / Amanda Jager
Contact by

MSc Resilient Farming and Food Systems (MRF)

Chair Jessica Duncan
Secretary Anja Kuipers
Programme director Anja Kuipers
Contact by Petra van Baaren-Hegeman

BSc Plantenwetenschappen, MSc Plant Biotechnology, MSc Plant Sciences (BPW/MPB/MPS)

Chair Arjen Schots
Secretary Anja Kuipers
Programme director Anja Kuipers
Contact by Petra van Baaren-Hegeman

BSc Soil, Water, Atmosphere and MSc Earth and Environment (BSW/MEE)

Chair Tom Roukema
Secretary Linda Overeem
Programme director Arnold Moene
Contact by Linda Overeem

BSc Landschapsarchitectuur en Ruimtelijke Planning, MSc Landscape Architecture and Planning (BLP/MLP)

Chair Jurian Meijering
Secretary Hilde Holleman
Programme director Arjaan Pellis
Contact by Indrani Doreswamy

MSc Leisure, Tourism and Environment (MTO)

Chair Stasja Koot
Secretary Jan Philipsen
Programme Director Jan Philipsen
Contact by Indrani Doreswamy

Overview of the 4 Joint Degrees with a separate PC and own Board of Education

MSc Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering (MADE)

BSc Tourism (BTO)

Partner University Breda University of Applied Sciences (NHTV)
Chair Bas Amelung
Programme Director Jan Philipsen
Secretary Indrani Doreswamy
Contact by Indrani Doreswamy

MSc Water Technology (MWT)

Partner University University of Twente, University of Groningen
Chair Ben Betlem (UT)
Programme Director Valentina Sechi
Secretary Valentina Sechi
Contact by Valentina Sechi

MSc Geographical Information Management and Applications (GIMA)