Studying with a disability

As a student with a functional disability, you can appeal to the student deans, psychologists and study advisors for study guidance. In addition, a student doctor is available for select cases.

If you are starting or have just started studying at Wageningen University, it is a good idea to make an appointment with a student dean, study advisor or exchange coordinator. They can help you in neutralising or limiting possible obstacles as much as possible.

Engaging in education and taking exams.

A student dean is available to discuss the modifications or provisions necessary for engaging in education and taking exams. Usually, a statement by a student doctor or student psychologist is required. The student dean can then put in a request to the Examining Board. Modifications will be adjusted to the individual functional disabilities as much as possible, but are not allowed to alter the quality or difficulty level of an education component or educational programme. The Examining Board will decide whether the requested modifications will be granted.

On an educational level, adjustments can be made in:

  • Content, for example by offering equal level alternative course material;
  • Study materials, such as digital study materials;
  • Time period (prolonging the time limit in which a component can be completed);
  • Study pace, if a student is not able to keep up with the normal pace due to their functional disability.

Modifications in exam methods apply to:

Provisions for engaging in education can include:

The modification(s) approved by the Examining Board, will be put in Osiris. You will receive an e-mail and a message in Osiris with a confirmation. From this moment on you will find the approved facilities in your personal details. When you subscribe for a course, you may use the checkbox(es) to pick the facility or facilities you need for that particular course.

Financial Student Support (FOS)

A student encountering study delays can request financial compensation for the duration of the delay, up to a maximum of 4 months. In order to qualify for compensation, you have to report the delay to a student counsellor within two months (calculated from the start of the delay). If there is a good chance your functional disability will cause delay, it is wise to report it to a student dean beforehand, or immediately after starting your studies.

Study delays compensated by an extra year of study financing by DUO will not be granted compensation. The full text of the Financial Student Support Regulation (FOS) and all its criteria can be found in the Student Charter.

Information meetings


  • Student Deans, Forum (building 102), Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708PB Wageningen, Tel: 0317- 483618 (secretariat), E-mail: Appointments are made by telephone (Monday to Friday from 09:00 tot 12:30 hrs.) through the secretariat (0317 483618) or online or at the Student Desk at the Forum.