Application Contract Student
On this page you will find all the information for applying and enrolment as a contract student at Wageningen University & Research.
Requirements for Enrolment
Additional conditions of enrolment for a contract student are:
a. Written permission from the lecturer who is responsible for the course,
b. The contract student cannot register for an internship,
c. For a course that is also offered by Wageningen Academy, enrollment and payment is only possible through Wageningen Academy, this Regulations of enrolment is then not applicable,
d. written permission from the Examining Board of WU to participate in a thesis, research practice and AMC/ACT courses.
A contract student is entitled to:
a. participating in the courses for which the contract student is registered and taking the corresponding examinations,
b. taking one resit for each failed course in the academic year of enrolment.
For registration as a Contract Student a fee is charged which is based on the number of ECTS credit points per subject. All fees must be paid before enrolment.
On the registration form you can indicate where the invoice should be sent to. After receiving the invoice, you are kindly requested to pay according the instructions on the invoice.
Without invoice you can already transfer the amount to:
Wageningen University
Bank IBAN: NL28RABO0397026080
Please always mention your full name, date of birth and mention ‘fees contract student” when making the transaction. You can also pay at the student desk in the Forum building by PIN (bank card).
Contract Student | Student who takes one or more subjects from the regular education programme and is allowed to take the interim examination in the subject(s). | €141,00 per ECTS credit point for WU alumni (Ir, MSc, or PhD) and “picnic PhD candidates”* or €343,00 per ECTS credit point for others |
* Picnic PhD candidate: PhD candidate from another university who, within his or her PhD-track, conducts research at Wageningen University and wants to enrol for education at Wageningen University.
Deadlines for enrolment as a contract student
Given in Period 1, 2 & 3 - Deadline for enrolment: July 28, 2024
Given in Period 4, 5 & 6 - Deadline for enrolment: January 5, 2025
2024-2025: Subjects/Deadline for Enrolment
Period 1 - July 28, 2024
Period 2 - September 22, 2024
Period 3 - November 17, 2024
Period 4 - January 5, 2025
Period 5 - February 2, 2025
Period 6 - March 30, 2025
Please note:
- all requested documents must be submitted before the deadline. If you happen to submit a document that does not meet the conditions, you must have submitted a correct copy before the deadline.
Submit a request for enrolment
Students who want to enrol as contract student should submit the following documents before the deadline for enrolment via
• Contract Student registration form 2024-2025, completed and signed
• Written permission (e-mail) from the lecturers concerning the chosen courses
• Copy of your passport (showing your personal details)
• Picnic PhD candidates only: proof that you have been admitted to a PhD programme at another University and work at Wageningen UR
After sending in your complete application, we will send an invoice to the e-mail address you mentioned on the registration form.
Please pay the fees according invoice, before the enrolment deadline. If you submit your application very close to the deadline, there will be very limited time left to transfer the fees.
After receiving the complete application and the fees, you will enrolled.
When enrolled as a contract student at Wageningen University, & Research, you will be sent an email concerning your WUR account username and password. You will then have access to
Here you can download your proof of enrolment and register for courses via the course catalogue. You are not automatically registered for the courses.
After enrolment you have to register for courses
After being enrolled as a ‘contract-student’, you are not automatically enrolled for the courses. You have to do this yourself, after being enrolled as a student and before the enrolment deadline of the course!
After enrolment as a student, you will receive an email with the login details for a WUR account within 72 hours. This gives you access to You can then register for the courses via the course catalog.
You may only register for the courses for which you have received permission as a contract-student.
Please note; there are enrolment deadline for registering for courses:
Period/Enrolment deadline*:
1 - August 4, 2024
2 - September 29, 2024
3 - November 24, 2024
4 - January 12, 2025
5 - February 9, 2025
6 - April 6, 2025
* for courses with a maximum, the deadline is one week earlier!
Safety courses:
For a large number of courses it is compulsory to follow a so-called safety course prior to the course. You will not receive any credits for this and there are no costs involved. However, you do have to sign up for this.
So check carefully with the courses for which you have registered whether this falls under the mandatory knowledge. You can see it in the OSIRIS Student Mobile ( under mandatory knowledge.
Courses with a maximum
An earlier registration date applies for a course with a maximum number of participants. ‘Contract-students’ usually cannot be admitted to a subject with a maximum. Contract students can only participate in a course with a maximum if there are places left after the application deadline and with the approval of the course coordinator.
More information
For more information, see Enrol for courses and tests in Osiris - WUR.
Contract students with a Non-EU nationality
Please know that Wageningen University cannot apply for your legal residence, you have to arrange your legal residence in the Netherlands yourself. You can come to the Netherlands with a tourist visa, for a maximum of 90 days. So keep this in mind when planning your courses.
For information please see Business visit | Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).