This page provides information regarding the system of checks and balances which ensures controlled, coherent and balanced governance within Wageningen University & Research.
Code for Good Governance Wageningen University & Research
The Code for Good Governance WUR describes the principles of good governance. The code is derived from the Code for Good Governance in Dutch Universities, applicable from 2020, and the provisions relevant to Stichting Wageningen Research from the Dutch Corporate Governance Code (NGCG) 2016.
Administrative and Management Regulations
The Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek) serves as the legal framework for Wageningen University (WU). In the case of Stichting Wageningen Research (WR) the latter’s statutes serve as its legal framework. The above-mentioned frameworks render it mandatory to set out the form of governance, and the management and structure of the organisation in Administrative and Management Regulations (AMR). As such, the AMR provides the legal basis for the organisational orchestration of the institution. The way in which WU and WR are structured can be found in the following documents.
The two legal entities Wageningen University and Stichting Wageningen Research work together under the name Wageningen University & Research (WUR).
Government Information Act
The Open Government Act (Woo), successor to the Government Information (Public Access) Act (Wob), regulates the right of citizens to receive information from the government on administrative matters. When the Executive Board of Wageningen University under the Woo makes information public, that information is available for anyone to consult.
Woo request
If you wish to receive documents on WU administrative matters that have not yet been made public, please submit a Woo request.
Filing a Woo request can be done in two ways:
1. By e-mail at woo@wur.nl
2. By post to the following address:
Wageningen University
Attn: Executive Board
P.O. Box 9101
|6700 HB Wageningen
If you have any further questions, please contact the Legal Services Department at woo@wur.nl.
Fees are charged for the provision of information pursuant to Woo requests, in paper form. The amount of the charges is described in Wageningen University's Open Government Implementation Regulations.