
Case studie Governance of Evidence

The project focuses on increasing understanding of scientific (numerical) models application in policy evaluations and the usefulness of the results for policy purposes. Based on a case study (MNP), we investigate possible techniques for improving model use, integration with other knowledge types and communication of the results.

The use of scientific numerical models in the development and monitoring of nature policy often leads to discussions about the reliability and usefulness of the results. Some of these may be traced back to ambiguities about the input data, calculations, and the significance of the model results for a policy issue. Simulation models are becoming more complex, and more attention is being paid to the combination and integration of the model results with other information sources and forms of knowledge. There is a need for a better understanding of how these models are used, and for techniques and methods to make the knowledge that is used and produced accessible and understandable for different stakeholders.

The aim of this project is to increase understanding of handling existing scientific models in the context of policy evaluation, in relation to other knowledge sources; and which techniques and methods can be used to improve the process. The project has a broad perspective on the use of models including the interaction with experts and policy experts, with regard to the establishment of and choices on the input, possible adjustments and analysis of results.

The project is carried out in the context of a case study, in which we investigate the role and application of the MetaNatuurPlanner (MNP) in relation to other information sources and forms of knowledge within the work program monitoring and evaluation of nitrogen reduction and nature improvement. This will lead to better understanding of the usefulness of the MNP and relevant knowledge sources for evaluation and monitoring.
