
Vogelrichtlijnrapportage 2013-2018 van Nederland : status en trends van soorten

van Kleunen, A.; van Roomen, M.; van Winden, E.; Hornman, M.; Boele, A.; Kampichler, C.; Zoetebier, D.; Sierdsema, H.; van Turnhout, C.


This report describes the determination of the status information on bird species in the Netherlands for the Annex B part of the Birds Directive Report 2013–2018. These reports are prepared every six years under Article 12 of the EU Birds Directive. Besides the General Report, specific information also has to be provided on the population status of all breeding birds and a set of migrating and wintering bird populations: population size and trends, distribution and trend, and pressures, threats and conservation measures. This report explains the methods used and results obtained for the Netherlands Birds Directive Report for the Annex B part: Status and trends of species, excluding sections 6 and 10.