Sustainable Intensification of Dairy Production Indonesia
Indonesian dairy production is challenged by low productivity and high impact on the environment. This is due to poor manure management, poor feeding, poor reproduction and animal health problems. Wageningen UR Livestock Research, together with its partners, works on increasing sustainability of smallholder dairy farms in West Java.
In West Java, where a large part of the Indonesian dairy farms are concentrated, milk production takes place on small-scale dairy farms (about 2-4 cows), with low farm productivity. As most farms have little or no land for forage production, forage supply throughout the year is a challenge and waste management is poor. Manure is severely polluting water streams and rivers while only a small part is utilised for crop production.
The Sustainable Intensification of Dairy Production Indonesia (SIDPI) project is an action oriented research project aiming to increase productivity of smallholder dairy farms in West Java, while improving food security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The project will do this by developing and implementing improved strategies for manure, feeding, and animal health and management.
The Sustainable Intensification of Dairy Production in Indonesia (SIDPI) project aims to develop new knowledge and solutions customised to smallholder dairy farmers in West-Java to:
- sustainably increase farm productivity, while;
- reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
- improving resource use efficiency, and;
- improving farmers' incomes and livelihoods on the long term.
Project activities include i) design and implementation of pilot studies on improved manure, feeding and animal health management; ii) scientific research on ecological, economic and social sustainability of current and improved practices; and iii) upscaling and dissemination of results via trainings, demonstrations, focus group discussions, media, etc.
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- Effects of feeding and manure management interventions on technical and environmental performance of Indonesian dairy farms
- Predicting nutrient excretion from dairy cows on smallholder farms in Indonesia using readily available farm data
- Entry Points for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Small-Scale Dairy Farms
- Environmental impacts of dairy farming in Lembang, West Java (Working Paper CCAFS)
- Improved feeding and manure management practices benefit farmers and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (blog CCAFS)
- Characteristics of small-scale dairy farms in Lembang, West-Java (Wageningen Livestock Research, Report 1076)
- Practice guidelines for improved feeding and management in dairy farming (English)
- Practice guidelines for improved feeding and management in dairy farming (Bahasa Indonesia)
- Training material for sustainable fertilizer use in horticulture (English)
- Training material for sustainable fertilizer use in horticulture (Bahasa Indonesia)