dr. N (Neha) Khandpur ScD

dr. N (Neha) Khandpur ScD

Universitair docent

My interests lie in understanding the association between diet and chronic disease and in creating supportive environments for healthy behaviors. I use a variety of research methods from descriptive and analytic epidemiological techniques to study associations between dietary patterns and disease risk; qualitative methods and mixed methods to better understand consumer behavior and their motivations; and randomized experiments and interventions studies to influence behavior. My current research focuses on understanding the link between ultra-processed dietary patterns and cardiometabolic health, and on implementing and evaluating strategies to support healthy food purchase decisions. I am part of the Food Retail and the Food Labelling leadership committees of the INFORMAS network (International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support - INFORMAS), and serve as a research consultant to international health organizations.

My masters degree was at the University of Bristol where I studied Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health and my doctoral degree, in Obesity Epidemiology and Public Health Nutrition, was at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

Email address: neha.khandpur@wur.nl