What is My Library?
My Library is your online personal library, that can be customized to reflect your specific interests and research needs. These services are freely available for all users of WUR Library.
My loans & reservations
You can see which books you have on loan or the items for which you made a reservation. You can renew your loans online.
Off-campus access for WUR staff and students
Additionally, for WUR staff and students, logging in with your WUR account will give you off-campus access to licensed resources, e.g. online books, journals and databases.
Online document ordering for WUR staff and students
If you want to borrow books or request photocopies of journal articles online, you must log in to My Library first. Moreover, you must be registered as a borrower at WUR Library. The e-mail address that you use to log in to My Library and the one in the borrowers registration must be the same.
Individuals not affiliated (connected) with Wageningen University & Research should contact their local library. This is a fee-based service