Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles
The chair group Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles studies consumption and lifestyles of individuals and groups from an interdisciplinary perspective. The chair group embeds these insights in the design, evaluation and implementation of interventions to enable healthy and sustainable behaviours.
Chair holder
Our theme groups
Inequality, Diversity and Social Change
Addressing inequality, diversity and social change is needed if we want to reduce the social and environmental impacts of our current lifestyles/consumption, combat poverty and food insecurity, and address health inequalities. Critical challenges like climate change and health inequalities are interrelated issues that directly and unevenly affect populations.
Food Transition
Nowadays food consumption is a heavily debated topic. What we eat greatly impacts our health and the environment; and our health and daily environment can influence what we eat. Yet the diets of many contribute to (chronic) disease and threaten planetary health.
Interventions for Healthy Lifestyles
One of the challenges our society is facing today is reducing the burden of chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are often the result of modifiable lifestyle behaviours, such as the quantity and quality of food consumption, which often impact environmental sustainability as well.
Our education
We contribute to multiple bachelor and master programmes. We also supervise BSc and MSc theses and internships.
Latest publications
The Healthy Supermarket Coach: effects of a nutrition peer-education intervention in Dutch supermarkets on adolescents' food purchases
Understanding the dynamics driving obesity in socioeconomically deprived urban neighbourhoods : an expert-based systems map
Harnessing the potential of public procurement for the protein transition – perceived barriers and facilitators