People of the Philosophy Group
Research and teaching staff
prof.dr. V (Vincent) Blok
Professor in Philosophy of Technology and Responsible Innovation -
prof.dr. A (Annabelle) Dufourcq
Special Professor -
J (Jan) van der Stoep
Endowed Professor Christian Philosophy -
dr. B (Bernice) Bovenkerk
Associate Professor -
dr. H (Hugh) Desmond
Assistant Professor -
dr. JGM (Josette) Jacobs
Assistant Professor -
dr. ZH (Zoë) Robaey
Assistant Professor -
dr. L (Ludger) van Dijk
Lecturer -
NGJ (Norbert) Peeters MA
Lecturer -
drs. LFP (Leon) Pijnenburg
Deputy managers and secretariat
Education Coordinator
PhD students
ir. W (Wim) Beekman
PhD Candidate -
V (Víctor) Betriu Yáñez MSc
PhD Candidate -
drs. MT (Mariska) Bosschaert-Bakhuizen MA
PhD Candidate -
A (Alessio) Gerola MSc
PhD Candidate -
dr. JJ (Joris) Glas
PhD Candidate -
SNG (Sammie) Jansen MSc MA
PhD Candidate -
YK (Yulia) Kisora MSc
PhD Candidate -
SM (Sarah) Kunze MSc
PhD Candidate -
TI (Thijs) Loonstra
PhD Candidate -
JTEM (Julia) Rijssenbeek
PhD Candidate -
LH (Luuk) Stellinga
PhD Candidate -
L (Lowieke) Vermeulen
PhD Candidate -
M (Marsha) Rooijakkers
PhD Candidate