Law Group
The Law Group focusses on legal solutions to social problems, including those studied in life sciences domains. These issues touch on every aspect of the law, which means that we have collective expertise on matters relating to EU law, food law, environmental law, international law, WTO law, intellectual property law, private law and human rights law. The research of the group is also strongly interdisciplinary, with faculty and students from all over the world.
INFOODMATION: unpacking the media’s influence on what we eat
Centre on Corporate Sustainability and Human Rights Law launched
Launch Centre of Excellence on Corporate Sustainability and Human Rights Law (link to program included!)
'No one should be disadvantaged simply because they menstruate'
Louis Kotzé: ‘I want the Law Group to become a leading centre of expertise for relevant, cutting-edge legal science for society’
‘Energy transition projects should not harm vulnerable or marginalized groups’
Conference Recap: Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Gather at Wageningen University
dr. Inga Winkler joins the Law Group
The Law Group congratulates Dr. Violet M. Ross
Eirini Fasia joins the Law Group
Download our chair plan
Our research lines
One of the most important regulatory challenges of our time is how to manage the wide range of the public and private actors and actions that shape our social and natural environments. Doing so successfully requires an in-depth understanding of multiple connected, but at times contradictory, legal frameworks which have to balance a number of public and private interests of current, and future, generations across the globe.
Food Systems
Our food system has to accommodate a wide range of policy goals: to be sustainable and just; to ensure food and nutrition security; to deliver safe and healthy food; to safeguard the wellbeing of non-human animals that are part of our diet and/or affected by our agricultural system more broadly; to become increasingly circular; to incorporate technological and digital innovation; to remain, and/or become, economically viable; and to respect the limits of our living environment. Law plays a crucial role in achieving these goals and in managing the trade-offs and synergies between them.
Business and Human Rights
Corporations have significant power and influence over our living environment. They can both contribute to and prevent the realisation of human rights, the Sustainable Development Goals, and a circular and climate-neutral economy. National, EU and international legal frameworks seek to maintain economic growth while regulating corporate activities in the face of global political contestation and technological innovations.
Our education
The Law Group offers general academic courses, capita selecta courses, internships and theses.
View our MSc/BSc programmes
Latest publications