Virtual Exchange
The Virtual Exchange no longer exists and has been integrated in Flexible Education, click on the button below to proceed to the Flexible Education homepage.
There are various options for enrolling in courses outside WUR:
- Bijvakker: As a student at WUR, you have the opportunity to attend courses at any university in the Netherlands without paying additional tuition fees. To explore the available courses, please visit the websites of the universities you are interested in.
- EduXchange: Wageningen University collaborates with Utrecht University (UU) and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) to facilitate easy access to education across institutions. For more information, visit EduXchange.
- Erasmus Exchange: If you are interested on taking courses at international universities, consider the Erasmus Exchange options. In many cases, there is also EU funding available to support your exchange experience. Here you can find detailed information on Erasmus Exchange.
Be sure to contact your study adviser to confirm the feasibility of incorporating your plans into your study programme.